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Month: May 2023

Same Old Story

Same Old Story

I need a reminder today that Jesus is the coolest person this world has ever known. And I know that I am not the only one. Here are some of the ways Jesus was cool. Check Him out with me Popular I hesitate to use the word popular because it is so misused.  Fashionable cliques in school are the minority of students who are often disliked by majority. But Jesus was truly popular. Crowds followed Him everywhere even by the…

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Skillet Tea

Skillet Tea

Last summer my family went camping overnight in a new place. It was a mosquito-ridden sportsman’s paradise, and we were thankful to be offered a bunkhouse. The kitchen was full of miscellanea, so for breakfast the next morning we started the dried hash browns soaking in the coffee pot. Later we decided to start herbal tea and were stuck with a skillet to make it in. But it worked. And it was a hilarious reminder that the systems and practices…

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